Personal Injury Information

Are you considering a personal injury claim?


Disastrous injuries from car accidents, semi-truck accidents, and motorcycle accidents can quickly leave you facing an intimidating recovery process and a stack of medical bills. With your personal well-being and financial future at stake you can afford nothing less than elite representation for your personal injury claim.

If you are a loved one is injured in a car accident, we will offer support and guidance through the complicated personal injury claim process.

If you are a loved one is injured in a car accident, we will offer support and guidance through the complicated personal injury claim process.

Injured in a car accident?

Car accidents are among the main causes of injury and death in the USA. Although insurance has a role to play in lessening the hardships caused by car crashes, insurance companies sometimes amplify the problem by attempting to unjustly limit or deny coverage.

Even with appropriate insurance payouts, victims may need to seek additional fees through a personal injury or, in severe cases, wrongful death lawsuit.

Kelly Henderson, Attorney at Law, is committed to helping victims seek compensation after a catastrophic car accident caused by the inattentiveness of another driver. He will aid you in holding all liable parties accountable, including insurance companies, and fight for a settlement that sufficiently covers your medical bills, property loss and other damages.

Recently injured on the job? To see how a personal injury lawyer can benefit your personal injury case, call the office of Kelly O. Henderson, Georgia personal injury lawyer.

Recently injured on the job? To see how a personal injury lawyer can benefit your personal injury case, call the office of Kelly O. Henderson, Georgia personal injury lawyer.

Work place injury

Different professions require employees to work in various surroundings. Some work settings have repeated acts, motions or standing requirements, while others jobs are located in risky and unhealthy environments. Many different work settings are high risk for workplace injuries.

Injuries that occur at work can range from minor to severe. Minor injuries can occur due to repeated motions such as an assembly line, hoisting inventory or standing long hours. These can cause muscle sprains, back strains, or injury to joints. Prolonged hours of computer work over years can cause chronic similar injuries. Sometimes the work itself is dangerous or hazardous such as working with chemicals and bio-hazards or the environment is hazardous such as construction sites.

Managers and businesses for the most part work hard to protect the safety of their associates. Furthermore, federal and state laws are put into place to protect employees from workplace injuries.

However, in cases where an oversight or negligence is involved, or a known hazard has not been properly dealt with, an employee can endure small to severe workplace injuries that result in time off of work, lost wages, inability to keep prior responsibilities, physical pain, medical costs, physical therapy, medications, cost of travel to specialists, as well as emotional and psychological costs.

Tractor trailers are a critical part of the American economy and daily business, but the threats they present on the road are not to be excused. If you’ve been injured in a semi-truck accident, you’ll need an experienced personal injury attorney to …

Tractor trailers are a critical part of the American economy and daily business, but the threats they present on the road are not to be excused. If you’ve been injured in a semi-truck accident, you’ll need an experienced personal injury attorney to represent you.

Semi-Truck Accident

Thousands of vehicle accidents involving giant commercial trucks, i.e. semi-trucks, big rigs, etc., occur every year in Georgia. Oftentimes, the victims are left profoundly injured and with a mountain of medical bills. Semi-trucks are bigger and weighter than almost every other vehicle on the highway. As such, when another car, like a small passenger vehicle, is involved in an accident with a truck, those in the passenger vehicle can suffer catastrophic and fatal injuries. Frequently, a truck and its driver will suffer little damage from the accident due to the large size and heavy-weight of the vehicle.

Truck drivers and trucking companies must adhere to stringent regulations on their operation of the vehicle, length of time behind the wheel, and maintenance because of the dangerous nature of big rigs. These security measures were developed to avert accidents that occur due to fatigue, negligence, and improper,upkeep of the vehicle and its cargo. While these safety measures are standard practice, many drivers and companies choose to ignore these rules, thereby endangering other drivers.

Kelly O. Henderson, personal injury lawyer, has seen the catastrophic destruction of semi-truck crashes firsthand. If you or a loved one has been hurt in a crash, he knows that you are facing a seemingly insurmountable mountain in your physical and emotional recovery. But know that you are not alone and that you have the right to hold at fault truck drivers and trucking companies responsible for the harm they have inflicted on you.

To learn more about your rights, call Kelly O. Henderson- personal injury attorney, 404-993-3557, for a no-cost consultation explaining your legal options and how we can help you.